Resting Anchor

The Anchorage

Personal website of Gregory K. Maxey, Commander USN (Retired)

Grid & Ruled Paper Layout Utility
(A Microsoft Word Help & Tip page by Gregory K. Maxey)


The information, illustrations and code contained in my "Microsoft Word Tips" are provided free and without risk or obligation.

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However, the work is mine. If you use it for commercial purposes or benefit from my efforts through income earned or time saved then a donation, however small, will help to ensure the continued availability of this resource.

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The purpose of this Microsoft Word Tips & Microsoft Word Help page is is to publish my Grid and Ruled Paper Layout Utility Global Template Add-In.  To load and employ the utility, simply place the downloadable .dotm extension file in your Word Startup folder (or load manually from the Developer Tab>Templates>Document Template>Templates>Add).

User Ribbon Interface

When loaded, the add-in displays a user interface group "Layout Utility Tools" in the ribbon "Add-ins" tab.


The utility provides the user interface necessary to define and create grid paper and\or lined "ruled" paper. 

Grid Paper

One of two separate Grid Paper utilities can be used to define a grid paper layout.  One uses one or more Word tables to display the grid lines and the other uses drawing object lines.  Both methods display the defined grid in the active document primary page header.  Grid definition is performed with a similar userform interface as illustrated below.

Grid Interface _ 1


Site Note IconIf using the table method, an alternate processing method is available named "QUICK GRID."  QUICK GRID defines the grid in a single table developed in a single textbox or multiple linked overflow text boxes.  This offers substantial processing enhancement.  However, due to the single table arrangement, the Reference Line and custom column count features are only supported for grids consisting of 63 total columns or less.


The userform contains all the interface required to:

Site Note IconNote - When a custom grid is defined using the "column count" method, the grid size is determined based on the useable page width divided by the column count. Any "grid size" in points value displayed is overridden.


Site Note IconWhy two methods?  Due to inherent shortcomings in Word VBA, processing becomes progressively slower as the number of drawing objects or number of table(s)/rows/columns required to define a given grid increases.  Processing is generally faster using drawings objects with larger grid sizes (less total grid squares required).  Processing is significantly faster using tables using smaller grid sizes/large paper size (more total grid squares required).

A progress bar is included to illustrate background processing.  Please be patient when defining smaller grids or defining grids using larger paper sizes.


Ruled" Paper

The Ruled Paper utility can be used to create one of several predefined ruled paper layouts or define and create custom ruled paper layouts.  A Lined Paper utility userform provides all the interface needed to:




Site Note Icon Note: The "Ruled" style discussed and illustrated above is not applicable for Gregg or Manuscript layouts. 

The "Manuscript" layout sometime called "handwriting paper" is intented help children develop handwriting skill. The line width can be adjusted to accommodate the child's age.  The layout consists of lines in groups of three as illustrated below.


Download the Grid & Ruled Paper Layout Utility template add-in file here: Grid & Ruled Paper Layout Utility.

Site Note icon For more on template add-ins and how to load them, see: Organizing Your Macros/Template Add-ins at: Installing Macros

Site Note iconNote: This tips page, illustrations and examples were developed using Word 2019. It is wholly functional with Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and Office 365.

That's it! I hope you have found this tips page informative and the Add-In useful.



The information, illustrations and code contained in my "Microsoft Word Tips" are provided free and without risk or obligation.

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However, the work is mine. If you use it for commercial purposes or benefit from my efforts through income earned or time saved then a donation, however small, will help to ensure the continued availability of this resource.

If you would like to donate, please use the appropriate donate button to access PayPal. Thank you!

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