Resting Anchor

The Anchorage

Personal website of Gregory K. Maxey, Commander USN (Retired)

What's New


Here you'll find links to new pages, links to changed pages, and notification of deleted pages.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Updated CC/V/BM/DP Tools Add-In. Revised to make compatible with 64 bit Word application.
Wednesday, 28 February 2024
Updated Clean Up Text AddIn. Revised to make compatible with 64 bit Word application.
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
Published Content Control Tools Ver. 4.4.
Corrects error occurring when a group type control is included in a delete Content Control\Content process.
Thursday, 11 February 2021
Published Enhanced Document Properties AddIn Ver. 1.1.
Added a checkbox contetent type and preloads default "pseudo" properties.
Sunday, 07 February 2021
Published Enhanced Document Properties AddIn Ver. 1.0.
A Word Template Add-In that enhances the Insert>Text>QuickParts>Document Property capabilities and allows a user to define up to 998 user-defined "pseudo" document properties.
Wednesday, 03 February 2021
Published Keybinding Organizer AddIn Ver 1.0. This Word Template AddIn can be used to and organize (export/import) or list all custom keybindings and built-in keyboard shortcuts. The Keybinding Definition Table provides a backup copy in the form of a Word document of your defined custom keybindings. The document can be used to restore keybindings or transfer keybindings to another template or PC.
Saturday, 09 January 2021
Published Content Control Tools Ver. 4.3. This revision Corrects error with copy XPath to clipboard, improves the process for listing document content controls in the Single CC Tools and Global CC Tools page tabs, enhances and corrects errors in the Convert CC to text and Delete CC\content processes.  Adds a process to shade/remove shading from content control content. Adds a process to Clear CC content.  Content Control Tools
Sunday, 27 December 2020
Published Date Sequencer Ver. 1.0. Date Sequencer Ver 1.0 is a .dotm file format version of the older Word 2003 Date Sequencer Add-In.  Date Sequencer can be used to insert a current date\time stamp at the selecting, calculate and insert roll up or roll back date\time stamps, create and insert sequenced date\time entries or calculate periods\spans between two defined anchor dates.  Date Sequencer
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Published Extract Data from Forms Ver. 3.4. Version 3.4 corrects data field conflict errors when processing a batch folder of files. Extract Data from Forms
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Published Extract Outlook Data Ver. 1.4. Version 1.4 adds a feature to remove the "Processed" category and addresses several issues discovered when processing plain text vice HTML format message. Extract Outlook Data
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Published Content Control Tools Ver. 4.1. Version 4.1 provides a workaround to map a rich text content control containing a table and other minor enhancements. Content Control Tools Add-In.
Wednesday, 29 January 2020
Updated links and graphics in the Add, Map, And Employ a Repeating Section Content Control (RSCC) in Word tips page.  Tips page now utilizes the Content Control Tools Add-In.
Friday, 10 January 2020
Published Content Contro Multi-Select Dropdown Lists.  This tips pages provides methods to permit "the apparent" selection of one or more defined dropdown list entries from a dropdown or combobox type content control.
Monday, 16 December 2019
Published Content Control Insert Dialog Add-In Ver. 2.0.  Version 2.0 provides general processing enhancements.
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Published Date Picker (Calendar) Form Ver. 1.5.  Version 1.5 corrects a bug discovered in the rendering of previous month dates in the calendar. processes.
Saturday, 20 April 2019
Published Content Control Insert Dialog Add-In Ver. 1.7.  Version 1.7 corrects a bug discovered in the Dropdown List and Combobox edit properties processes.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Published Enhanced Merge (Many To One) Ver. 1.5.  Version 1.5 corrects several minor typographical errors in dialogs and a minor bug in output file name construction.
Sunday, 13 January 2019
Published Building Blocks - Search and Insert Utility Add-In Ver. 1.0 . A utility add-in for letting you search building blocks for a user defined term or phrase.  Lists found building blocks for review and insertion in your documents.
Monday, 07 January 2019
Published Content Control Tools Ver. 3.5  Version 3.5 incorporates additional conversion utilities. Including a bookmark conversion utility and found text conversion utility.
Monday, 31 December 2018
Published Enhanced Merge (Many To One) Ver. 1.4.  Version 1.4 supports using named ranges in Excel as the data source and improved methods for data formatting in the output merge documents.
Friday, 21 December 2018
Published INCLUDE TEXT With Conditional IF & TOC Fields. This page illustrates an apparent anomaly when attempting to use IncludeText fields nested in Conditional If fields in documents with a TOC. It provides an alternative field arrangement and VBA procedure to resolve.  Special thanks to Word MVP Paul Edstein for his contributions developing this page.
Monday, 17 December 2018
While receiving positive feedback, Enhanced Merge (Many To One) is still cutting it's teeth. Updated Ver. 1.3 includes minor tweaks to improve flexibility with Conditional If fields.
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Published updated Enhanced Merge (Many To One) Ver. 1.2 following user reports of several compile errors trying to use it with Office 365 64-bit.  As of this publication, those issues appear resolved.
Thursday, 13 December 2018
Not surprisingly, with any new major add-in comes a spate of ideas for enhancement. Enhanced Merge (Many To One) Ver. 1.1 now provides improved processes and examples for employing Word's conditional If fields in merge templates.
Sunday, 09 December 2018
After nearly two years of on again/off again effort, I'm finally ready to published my colossal Enhanced Merge (Many To One) add-in and associated tips page.  Enhanced Merge (Many To One) was inspired by earlier work by MVPs Graham Mayor and Doug Robbins, it is my entry into the Many To One merge field and it represents a culmination of my effort to completely break from what I consider Word's archaic native mail merge process.
Tuesday, 04 December 2018
Published Content Control Insert Dialog Add-In Version 1.5.  Version 1.5 corrects a bug in the Insert and Map to General Node Option.
Wednesday, 04 July 2018
Published Content Control Insert Dialog Add-In Version 1.4.  Version 1.4 corrects a display issue inserting a Picture content control with Word 2010.
Saturday, 28 April 2018
Published Content Control Insert Dialog Add-In Version 1.3.  As is often the case, when users start doing things their way, things are uncovered that I didn't see.  The series of revisions in versions 1 - 3 corrects these and a ribbon callback conflict with one of my other add-ins.
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
Published Content Control Insert Dialog Add-In Version 1.0.  This add-in improves on the basic Microsoft process for inserting and setting content control properties and makes basic mapping a simple as a single click.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Update the VBA DatePicker to include the ability to show\hide the title bar and show\hide a Cancel Button. See:
 Date Picker (Calendar ) Form
Saturday, 03 February 2018
Added method to customize contextMenus using RibbonXML to my tips page Customize Shortcut Menus
Saturday, 05 January 2018
Published Add Classic Form Controls Version 1.2.  This version enhances the utility for editing formfield dropdown list.
Friday, 24 November 2017
Published Import Excel List into Word Dropdown List. This page provides an explanation and examples for populating Word dropdown lists with the content of an Excel column and populating dependent fields with associated data.
Friday, 17 November 2017
Updated Conditional Header (and/or Footer) Text to show how to color code conditional header/footer text.
Wednesday, 09 August 2017
Published File New (Enhanced) Interface for Word 2013-2016 Version 1.0. This provides an enhanced Backstage user interface for create new documents from your templates or recenty used templates.
Saturday, 11 February 2017
Published Spell Out Currency Version 4.3. This version enhances output format flexibility and corrects a minor bug.  Note - Changes were only made to the .dotm version of the Add-In.  I am no longer supporting the .dot version.
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Published Trim Cell Text in my VBA Nuggets tips page. Provides a VBA solution to trim leading and trailing space from table cell text.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Published AutoTextList in the Modern Age.  Describes AutoTextLists and provides a VBA method to quickly create and employ them.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Published VBA Nuggets.  A VBA nugget is simply a decryption of a problem or issue and a VBA solution to solve it.  Typically too short to warrant its own dedicated tips page.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Published update to Customize Shortcut Menu. Removed links to MVPS Word FAQ website soon to be terminated.  Added two VBA methods to apply custom graphic files to a CommandBar button face.
Sunday, 04 December 2016
To the dismay of many, the administrators at announced recently that they would be terminating hosting services for this website and many others (including the Word FAQ site) on 28 January, 2017.  Accordingly, I am now publishing the content of this site at  In the interim, published links to content will be redirected to matching content at the domain.  After that date ... who knows?  If you have saved links to my content at, then please update those links to

This site contained over 60 links to content at the Word FAQ website.  At this date, there is no clear plan by the MVPs for continuing that content with another hosting service.  Some of the MVPs are moving the articles they wrote or collaborated on to their own personal sites.

I have began the process of either removing or updating links to content on this site to alternate existing content , content moved to individual MVP sites e.g., Suzanne Barnhill's Non-Printing Characters, or new content published on this site e.g., Early vs. Late Binding
Friday, 02 December 2016
Published version 3.1 of my Content Control Tools template add-in. This version corrects a code error in the InstaMap process.
Saturday, 06 August 2016
Published version 3.3 of my Extract Data from Forms template add-in. Excludes Access as a target data storage file when the form field count exceeds 255.
Saturday, 18 July 2016
Published version 3.2 of my Extract Data from Forms template add-in. Resolves an issue when attempting to extract  data exceeding 255 characters to Excel.
Saturday, 09 July 2016
Published version 3.1 of my Extract Data from Forms template add-in. Right on the heals of version 3.0, version 3.1 shifts the emphasis from tagging (to process) content controls purposed for form data fields to tagging (to filter and exclude) content controls that perform other roles (e.g., a rich text control used to group boiler plate text and form data fields).
Published version 3.0 of my Content Control Tools template add-in.  This version incorporates the two new  utilities developed in Extract Data from Forms.
Wednesday, 06 July 2016
Published version 3.0 of my Extract Data from Forms template add-in. The update improves the data extraction to the Excel target, updates the Title/Tag Form Data Fields to include formfields, and includes a new utility to convert formfields to content controls.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Published an  updated template add-in to restore AutoCorrect to the Word 2016 Spelling right click Context menu in my Customize Shortcut Menus tips page.  This was done to fix a bug introduced by a recent update to Word.
Sunday, 2 April 2016
Published Content Control Tools Ver. 2.6. This version allows you to skip individual or skip all untitled content controls when using the InstaMap feature to map content controls and copies the content control ID information to the clipboard when you click the ID information label.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Published minor update to Date Picker (Calendar) Form.  After some last minute testing it seems I left the default calendar initializing with the maximum date 12/31/2915.  Fixed now!
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Published Date Picker (Calendar) Form.  Based on CalendarForm developed by Trevor Eyre, provides a compact self-contained userform that can be employed as a DatePicker and replace Microsoft's defunct DTPicker control in VBA userforms or used as a calendar in Word.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Published Word Address Book.  Based conceptually on a similar Word Address book published by Word MVP Graham Mayor, this version uses document CustomXMLParts.  It is self contained and, except for importing utilities, it can function independent of Excel or other data source files.
Sunday, 05 July 2015
Published update to Content Controls and a white paper on comingling content control and legacy formfields in a document.
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Published updates to Content Control Tools and Content Controls - Do Not Print Placeholder Text (PHT) to address user feedback on the procedures for suppressing PHT in printed documents.
Wednesday, 03 June 2015
Published updates to Content Controls and Validate Content Control Entries to correct information related to the Word 2007 ContentControlOnExit Event bug and provide an alternate workaround solution.  These updates are the result of feedback from a web visitor.
Tuesday, 25 March 2015
Published an update to Toggle Data Display.  This update provides a method to toggle the display (show/hide) document text using mapped content controls and the document (Word 2007 and above) CustomXMLPart.
Saturday, 14 March 2015
Published a major revision to Building Blocks & AutoText. Revision includes a completely redesigned Building Blocks Word Template Add-In.  The former Building Blocks Enhanced Tools Add-In is no longer published or supported on this website.
Published Content Control Tools Version 2.1. Version 2.1 improves the layout of the InstaMap page tab and adds the ability to copy the XPath of a mapped content control to the clipboard.
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Published Link "Conditional Content" to a List Selection.  Consolidates and supersedes my "Link FormField Dropdown Lists" and "Link Content Control Dropdown List" tip pages.  Expands on those methods and provides methods when using ActiveX controls or a Userform.
Tuesday, 03 March 2015
Published Content Control Tools Ver. 2.0.  This version add the ability to automatically flag mapped content controls as editable regions in document with "Editing restrictions - No changes (Read only).
Monday, 09 February 2015
Published version 2.4 of  Batch Process Documents to correct a bug in the process of saving processed files.
Friday, 06 February 2015
Published AutoCorrect Utility Manager which provides a convenient utility to add/redefine/delete/backup/restore/transfer AutoCorrect entries.
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Published Extract Outlook Data Ver. 1.2 to addressed an issue that could result in transposed days and months when reading European format dates into an Excel worksheet.
Friday, 14 November 2014
Published Content Control Tools Ver. 1.7 This update fixes a bug that prevented the add-in form deleting some locked content controls.
Wednesday, 05 November 2014
Published Content Controls Tool Ver. 1.6 This update fixes a bug that prevented plain text controls containing multiple lines of text from being mapped.
Tuesday, 04 November 2014
Published version 2.3 to Word Usage & Frequency Report. This update fixed a bug when using some other regional language settings. 
Sunday, 02 November 2014
Published Content Controls Tool Ver. 1.5 This update provides the option to exclude content controls already mapped to a built-in CustomXMLPart when using InstaMap. 
Friday, 17 October 2014
Published minor bug fixes to Content Controls Tools and Batch Process Documents template add-ins.  Download the updated versions from the download link on the applicable tips page. 
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Published Extract Data from Outlook E-mail Messages.  Co-developed with friend and frequent collaborator Graham Mayor, this add-in can be employed to extract data from e-mail messages to Access, Excel or Word. 
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Published version 2.2 of Batch Process Documents to correct a bug in the create log process.  Corrected a invalid link in Extract Data from Forms.
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Graham and I have been rather bored during the "heat" season in central Florida and his fair island Cyprus.  While I've been buried in a soon to be released add-in to extract data from Outlook, Graham, has addressed a few bugs in our Batch Process Documents add-in and added four new pre-defined processes..
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Published Extract Data from Forms Add-in.  This project represents a major revision to my earlier "Extract Content Control Data from Forms" and adds the ability to extract data from legacy form fields.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Published Batch Process Documents Ver 2.0.  A collaborative effort with Word MVP and old friend Graham Mayor.  This version represents a major revision to my earlier work and provides a easy to use single Word template add-in that you can use to perform several useful built-in procedures on a batch of documents, or process a batch of documents using your own custom VBA procedure.
Monday, 14 July 2014
Published version 1.3.1 to Content Control Tools.  This version refines handling of the Word built-in user notification dialog if you attempt to insert a mapped content control at an invalid selection.
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Published version 1.3 to Content Control Tools.  This version corrects an error that occurred if you tried to create, nest and mapped a rich text content control in another mapped parent rich text control.  Code changes allow you to create and map contents controls with selected content and improves error handling if you attempt to create a control at a restricted location.
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Published version 1.2 to Content Control Tools.  This version corrects an error that occurred if you tried to populate a mapped dropdown list or combobox content control using an external Excel list and adds the ability to map each content control to its own unique node using the InstaMap feature.
Friday, 20 June 2014
Published version 1.1 to Content Control Tools.  This version allows you to suppress printing content control placeholder text and fixes several bugs detected in the project.
Monday, 9 June 2014
Published Content Control Tools.  A massive project that combines and consolidates useful content control tools from some of my earlier projects plus lots of useful new features!
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Published updates to the Number To Currency As Text add-in featured in my Spell Out Currency tips page. Expanded targeted output capability, improved compatibility with Word 2013, and resolved issues with regional thousands separator and decimal point characters that are reversed or different for the U.S. system. This add-in is a parallel project with long time friend and collaborator Graham Mayor.  Graham has slightly different version of the add-in on his site Display Currency Value in Words.
Friday, 11 April 2014
Published Content Control Pronoun Sets. A Word template add-in you can use to create and manage content control personal pronoun sets.
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Revised and updated: Extract Numbers from Truncated Strings. Added simplified method which employs the VBA "Filter" function suggested by user feedback.
Thursday, 26 February 2014
Revised and updated Modify/Customize QAT Icons, Labels and add Supertip.  Added method for adding supertip text to QAT controls and custom icons.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Published Change Ribbon Icon & Font Size.  Simple steps you can take to change the size of your ribbon icons and fonts without changing screen resolution.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Published version 1.2 to my ADCAP Content Control Check Boxes and Option Buttons.  This version provides enhanced features for selecting and defining state symbols.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Published update to Create and Employ a Userform.  Update provides a functional example of a content control centric userform and document template.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Published ADCAP Content Control Check Boxes and Option Buttons which provides a method for creating and employing one or more groups of mutually exclusive content control option buttons in your documents.
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Updated the Word Usage & Frequency Add-In to make it compatible with Office 64-bit versions.
Friday, 21 November 2013
Published Content Control ADCAP (Advanced Capability) Dropdown Lists.   When the U.S. Navy retrofitted and improved the MK 48 heavy weight submarine launched torpedo in the 1980's the designation for this much improved weapon was MK 48 ADCAP.  ADCAP being an acronym for Advanced Capability.
In a throwback to my Navy days, I decided to use the same acronym to describe the techniques demonstrated in this tips page.  Employing them certainty advances the capabilities of the basic controls!
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Published Word 2013 Table Layout Change.  Microsoft introduced a new layout engine with Word 2013.  This resulted in a change in the default layout of tables you insert in Word 2013 documents.  This tips page describes this change and offers a couple of VBA solutions for restoring the previous layout or using the new layout with tables from earlier Word versions.
Friday, 27 September 2013
Published "Hangman for Word" (A Class Study).  Hangman for Word is a Word template add-in containing the popular word game "Hangman."  The page provides a tutorial to assist the novice VBA developer explore and understand class modules plus some advanced userform techniques.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
In response to feedback from friend and Word MVP Doug Robbins, I've updated the methods for displaying dual numbering in a Word document.  See:  Page Numbering
Thursday, 14 June 2013
Published Content Control Help Text.  Collaborating with MVP Jay Freedman, this tips page illustrates several methods for creating and displaying custom Content Control user Help Text.
Sunday, 02 June 2013
Published version 4.0 of CC⁄V⁄BM & DP Tools Add-in  This is version makes the add-in compatible with the Office Word 64 bit application.
Monday, 27 May 2013
Published Populate UserForm ListBox & ComboBox w\Advanced Functions.  This is an enhancement of my popular Populate Userform ListBox or ComboBox tips page.
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Published Version 2.0 to Word Usage & Frequency.  This is a major revision and enhancement of a popular add-in.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Published "Number to Currency as Text" Word Template Add-In as an update to my popular "Spell Out Currency" tips page.  "Number to Currency as Text," co-developed with Word MVP Graham Mayor, is a full featured template add-in that you can use to insert currency values as text in a broad range of currency units and formats.
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Updated Modify QAT\Ribbon Button Icon\Text to demonstrate how you can apply the full range of available imageMso attributes to custom ribbon icons.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Based on user feedback, I've learned of some problems encountered when using the simple ASCII character values for symbol pairs in my Toggle Objects add-in.  I've update the tips page and add-in to include the use of Unicode values where required.
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
With the New Year nigh upon us, I've decide to dust off and revamp my Perpetual Calendar Maker Add-In.  The new version now includes "mini" last and next month calendars on the monthly landscape calendar, an empty picture content control on the monthly portrait calendar that you can use to add you favorite image file, Julian date on the annual 12 month calendar, and a perpetual Julian calendar.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Resurrected  Add Filename and Path to Application Title Bar.  This tips page was omitted when I revised the website in January 2012.  I've resurrected it due to a recent question in a popular Word support forum.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Published Tinkering with CustomXMLParts.  This tips page provides three different techniques which I have discovered while "tinkering" with CustomXMLParts.  This work have giving me a better understanding of how CustomXMLParts work and how I can leverage them in document solutions.  Hopefully you will find them useful also!
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Published CustomXML "Helpful" Help for Word.  Intended to spare the novice to intermediate Word user the angst and frustration attempting to understand and employ CustomXMLParts using Microsoft's less than "helpful" help files, this tips page includes a document and supporting files that provides "functional" examples.
Wednesday, 13 November 2012
Published List All Keyboard Shortcuts Using the macro provided in this tips page, you can easily create a complete composite list of all Word keyboard shortcuts.
Monday, 22 October 2012
Published Convert Fixed Notes to Dynamic Footnotes/Endnotes. Using the macro provided in this tips page, you can easily convert fixed reference text appear at the of the document into dynamic footnotes.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Published Word's Fickle VBA Find Property.  This is another tips page that I've planned to write for sometime but never got around to it.  If you are new to Word VBA and trying to get your head around how to use the .Find property; or if, like me, you've ever pulled out clumps of hair and scalp in frustration trying to use it, then this tips page might help.
Monday, 08 October 2012
Published UserForm Advanced Notes & Tips.  A long time in the works, this tips page consists of a collection of my notes and demonstration forms which attempts to explain my understanding of some of the advanced concepts and features associated with userforms. 
Tuesday, 02 October 2012
Published Repeating Item Lists.  Inspired by a recent topic in a VBA support forum, this tips page demonstrates several methods for creating a user defined repeating item list.  Such as a list of books, list of children, etc., where each listed item has multiple descriptive properties.
Monday, 26 September 2012
Published Create Forms with Content Controls.  Intrigued by my discoveries while researching Extract Content Control Form Data, I have put together this tips page which summarizes methods, advantages and disadvantages of using content controls in restricted content online, protected, fill-in and electronic "e" type forms.
Saturday, 24 September 2012
Published Extract Content Control Form Data.  Expanding on my earlier published methods for extracting form data and inspired by recent tinkering's of friend and frequent collaborator Graham Mayor, Extract Content Control Form Data is a full featured Word template add-in that you can use to gather and record data presented in content control forms.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Published Classic WordArt in Word 2010/2013.  This tips page discusses some of the peculiarities users may experience when working with "classic" WordArt in Word 2010/2013.  It also contains a few observations on "new" WordArt.
Monday, 3 September 2012
Published Add Table Row with Content.  This tips page provides a macro solution to insert or append table rows with content.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Published version 3.2 of "Content Control/Variable/Bookmark and Document Property Tools" Add-In.  As expected, version 3.0 is showing growing pains and several of these were exposed while creating the companion tips page Add, Map and Employ Repeating Section Content Control in Word 2013. Additionally, Graham Mayor is back on the scene and has made a few suggestions for improvements.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Published Add, Map and Employ Repeating Section Content Control in Word 2013.   This tips page demonstrates how you can add, map and employ repeating section content controls in your Word 2013 documents using my Content Control/Variable/Bookmark and Document Property Tools Word template add-in.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Published version 3.0 of "Content Control/Variable/Bookmark and Document Property Tools" Add-In.  Version 3.0 represents a significant change from version 2.2.  It introduces a new content control mapping process and provides tools for mapping rich text controls and the new repeating section content controls in Word 2013.  
Thursday, 27 July 2012
Published Content Control Enhancements - Word 2013.  This Microsoft Word Help & Tips page provides a summary of the enhancements make to content controls in Word 2013, with working demonstrations.  
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Published an update to Photo Gallery Add-In for Word 2007/2010. Version 1.2 resolves some minor bugs, adds a confirmation warning to the "Delete" image feature and provides improved format painting.  
Monday, 16 July 2012
Published Photo Gallery Add-In for Word 2007/2010. Inspired by friend and Word MVP Graham Mayor, this add-in simplifies creating photo galleries in your Word documents. 
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Published version 2.1 of my VBA Find and Replace© add-in. This version corrects an error processing Word 2010 drawing canvass shapes and resolves an issue were a paragraph mark was inserted in previously empty headers and footers. 
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Published:  Content Controls - Do Not Print Placeholder Text.  This Microsoft Word Help & Tips page is a collaborative effort with MVP Jay Freedman. It provides three VBA methods to prevent printing the visible placeholder text in uncompleted content controls. 
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Consummatum est!! After nearly six grueling weeks the website is now completely updated and weaned of any reliance on FrontPage Server Extensions.  During the conversion process, I eliminated the following pages:  Add File Name and Path to Document Title Bar, Word Limits and Delete Text to End of Line.  I have added my own tips page providing instructions for installing and using VBA procedures or add-ins contained on this site Install/Employ VBA Procedures (Macros) and Calendar Maker Add-In which provides a simple template add-in for creating perpetual calendars. 
Monday, 06 February 2012
ContructionStill plowing through the conversion of the tips pages. I suppose I am about 50% complete and I'm trying to knock out a couple each day. Today I deleted, "Delete Text to End of Line" after discovering that the basic functionality is already built-in to the smart cut and paste options.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
For the last two weeks I've been taking a crash course in web design.  Notified on New Year's Eve that my hosting service would be eliminating Front Page Server Extensions support later in the spring, I decided it was time to wean the site of that requirement and give it a face lift.  Today I published the basic foundation pages of the new site along with a few of the redesigned tips pages.  Updating all of the Microsoft Word Help & Tips pages may take several months, so most are still in the old format. I will be updating them as time permits. I will not list each reformatted page here unless there is a significant change in content.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Almost two months ago I came across the question in a Word support forum, "How do I select all the text in a Word sentence?" The problem is that Word on its own has a tough time determining what a sentence really is. After several months and many hours of testing and hard-work, I am pleased to publish:  Deduced Sentences. Deduced Sentences is a Word template add-in with a new "Sentences" class co-developed with Jason Simpson. Using the add-in you can perform function involving sentences with a much higher probability of getting the sentence definition right!
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Over the years, and due to "quick" changes and modifications, my VBA Find and Replace Add-In had grown a bit unwieldy. I have overhauled the underlying code and given the add-in a facelift in hope of making it easier to use. It is now published as version 2.0.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Published Version 2.2:  Mayor & Maxey "CC/V/B and DP Tools" Add-In to correct an apparent bug in the list content controls function when using Word 2007.
Thursday, 08 September 2011
Published version 2.0 of:  Invoice (Interactive w\Auto-Table Calculate. Version 2.0 corrects numerous formatting errors, provides the ability to add "stamps" to completed invoices and incorporates several suggestions for improvements offered by users.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Published:  Invoice (Interactive w\Auto-Table Calculate). This is another "child" of previous projects. Here, I have incorporated custom Table Cell Events into an interactive Word invoice template co-created early last year with Word MVP and long-time friend Graham Mayor. The original template is currently available on Graham's website:  Interactive Invoice Template
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Published:  Table Cell Events.  A brain child of the Content Control OnChange event introduced last month, this add-in provides a VBA method to monitor and detect OnEnter, OnExit and OnChange events in Word table cells.
Wednesday, 28 July 2011
In collaboration with Jeff Vandervoort, a regular contributor in the Office Word for Developer forum, I have created and published a VBA method to monitor and evaluate custom content control events. The custom events provide a reliable means to monitor content control OnEnter and OnExit events, and monitor the content control range for any change, which will trigger a custom "OnChange" event: Content Control Custom Events
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Published an update to:  Build & Deploy Custom Building Block Gallery following feedback suggesting that the add-in include features for selecting the template to process and add Building Block descriptive text.
Sunday, 05 June 2011
Published:  Insert Content with Content Controls. This tips page compliments Graham Mayor's Insert content from a form field and provides several examples for placing content in your document using a content control.
Friday, 25 February 2011
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I have resolved the issue of the LoadPictureGDI function failing to load *.png format graphic image files in the Word 2010 ribbon:  Ribbon Images & Labels: Part III.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Updated and renamed:  Extract Form Field/Content Control Data. Added code to extract data from document content controls. Added information for working with ".accdb" format Access database files.
Wednesday, 09 February 2011
Published:  Math Operations using Content Controls. Tips and examples for using content controls as variables and to display results of mathematical operations.
Update Content Controls.
Tuesday, 08 February 2011
Published:  Content Controls. A new tips page that provides an introduction to content controls and links to all of my tips focused on content controls.
Friday, 04 February 2011
Published:  Linked Content Control Drop-Down List. A new tips page provided to illustrate how to create a pair of linked content control drop-down lists. The user selection in the primary control determines the list items in the dependent (secondary) control.
Thursday, 03 February 2011
Publish Version 1.7 to:  Mayor & Maxey "CC/V/B and DP Tools" Add-In
This version of the add-in introduces changes in the code used to evaluate the Word application version following feedback from a person that uses the French language version of Office 2007.
Tuesday, 01 February 2011
Publish Version 1.6 to:  Mayor & Maxey "CC/V/B and DP Tools" Add-In
This corrects a minor bug introduced with Version 1.3.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Publish Version 1.5 to:  Mayor & Maxey "CC/V/B and DP Tools" Add-In
This version corrects a minor bug introduced with Version 1.4 and enhances the process for reviewing individual content control XML node values.
Friday, 28 January 2011
Publish Version 1.4 to:  Mayor & Maxey "CC/V/B and DP Tools" Add-In
This version significantly improves the process for reviewing and deleting the content control XML mapping nodes. It also adds the ability to map a qualified content control that you have selected in the document. Several additional display enhancements were also performed. Be sure to download and start using the latest version!!
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Published bug resolution in:  Mayor & Maxey "CC/V/B and DP Tools" Add-In
Monday, 24 January 2011
Developed in collaboration with long-time friend and Word MVP Graham Mayor we provided a convenient add-in to unleash the usefulness and availability of mapped content controls and variables (the "Hidden Gems") of Word documents: Mayor & Maxey "CC/V/B and DP Tools" Add-In
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Developed in collaboration with long-time friend and Word MVP Graham Mayor, we provided a convenient add-in for managing document variables.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Based on a suggestion from long-time friend and Word MVP Graham Mayor, I have added a utility to my Classic Form Controls add-in that simplifies adding, deleting, or editing dropdown list entries.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Added a simple procedure for converting common fractions to my Formatted Fractions Microsoft Word Help & Tips page. I have used this page to introduce a new "html content" feature in my tips pages for displaying VBA code.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Added examples and code to the Populate Userform ListBox page that illustrates hiding multiply column data and selectively using column data.
Monday, 22 February 2010
After putting if off for over a year, I decided to compile some of my notes on VBA and post them as a Tips page:  VBA Basics
Monday, 15 February 2010
Added Microsoft Word Help & Tips page Content Control Grouping and Navigation. Having stumbled on a technique for navigating (tabbing) from one rich text content control to another, I thought I would write it up and publish it here.
Friday, 05 February 2010
Added a link on my Word Help & Tips page (Go to link) to an automated interactive Word Invoice template posted by friend and Word MVP Graham Mayor.
Wednesday, 03 February 2010
Pinged by friend and Word MVP Graham Mayor for the oversight, I have added a zip file containing a complete Word template add-in for displaying Classic Form Controls on the Word 2007 ribbon to my Classics Form Controls tips page.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Published a revision to:  VBA Find and Replace.  The revision adds a recursive sub-routine that processes grouped shapes, shapes in a canvass, and grouped shapes in a canvass located in a header and footer.  Thanks to Mark Rozenberg of Moscow, Russia for notifying me of this shortcoming and suggesting the recursive sub-routine.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Added new Microsoft Word Help & Tips page Content Control Validation using an attached Schema
This tips page demonstrates the ability and steps necessary to validate data entered into a mapped content control against an attached schema.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Updated and renamed my Microsoft Word Help & Tips page "Sort List and Remove Duplicates" to:
Sorting Lists (Macro methods) after adding a few additional macros. You can use these macros to:
1) Sort and remove duplicates, 2) Exclude the articles "A" and "The" from sort criteria, and 3) Relocate articles "A" and "The" in list members.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Added some notes and additional code to Microsoft Word Help & Tips page Interactive Userforms to check that referenced bookmarks exist before attempting to read from or write to their respective ranges. Updated the downloadable document that contains example code.
Added a new Microsoft Word Help & Tips page Line Numbering which shows you how to employ the section direction option and a right-to-left script language, such as Hebrew or Arabic, to display line numbering in the right margin.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Added a Microsoft Word Help & Tips page Interactive Userforms to supplement my Create and Employ a Userform page. This page provides examples and code for making data in a document interactive with corresponding data controls in a Userform.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Made minor corrections to my Modify CC Placeholder Text tips page and added a template add-in that you can download and use to speed up the process of reviewing and setting Content Control properties.
Added a few new vintage Navy recruiting posters to the Word Tips page.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Added this What's New page to help regular visitors to this site access changes and new material.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
In collaboration with MVP Cindy Meister, I have published and explained a process for extracting individual numbers from a user input of continuous, discontinuous, and group continuous numbers: Extract Numbers from User Input String


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